September is a tough time of year, no matter how you slice it. Our hearts especially go out to those sweet families and children who are starting Kindergarten! It’s a new place, new people, and the beginning of a new part of life. No matter the grade, your child’s wellbeing is incredibly important to you and you want this to be as positive of an experience as possible. Every parent that sends their child to school goes through these September transitions, and they’re hard! You’re not alone.
Yoga can help you and your child with all transitions, even starting school! Notice how I said ‘you’ - as a parent our histories, beliefs, and way we move through life greatly affects our children. In my experience of sending my oldest off to kindergarten, I realized that mostly i’m not ok - and my child is mostly just fine!
Ultimately it’s about creating a lifestyle of health for your family. Practicing your own yoga and yoga with your child centres you both and will greatly help them in their growing years. As I’ve said before, I wish I had yoga as a child!
Here are a few ways yoga can help a child at any age start school:
1. Confidence - At Appleseed, your child is accepted and loved just as they are. Their whole self is celebrated, including their differences! Building on their poses and skills each week through games and fun stories creates a safe space for our kids to grow and build confidence.
2. Positive Self-Talk - Throughout class and especially during meditation and relaxation, children are led through inspiring imagery that focuses on all that’s beautiful, right and good in them. These truths settle deep in their whole bodies and over time become part of their inner dialogue! That’s the kind of thing I want my 4 year old to remember when he’s at school and misses me.
3. Deeper Connection - At our Toddler and Family Yoga classes, families stay together to strengthen and deepen our bonds with each other. Touch, play, and resting together creates a sense of mutual trust between you and your child(ren). Your child knows they are with you, has your attention, and is in a safe place. Quality time together will fill their reserves and assure them when you’re apart that you love them.
4. A Positive Relationship with Rest - Yay for REST! When our children are in school, they get TIRED. Especially in the early years, during the after school hours they are starving and exhausted, which can make for a tricky bedtime (delaying the sleep they desperately need). If they have established rest rituals and see rest as positive, this can greatly support their overall health and make the evenings more positive for everyone.
All the best in your unique transition to school this September!
For the love and health of our families,