The Appleseed Team


Megan Snider

Founder and Owner

Megan (she/her) founded Appleseed in 2016 after quitting her full-time job and marrying her two loves: yoga and kids. She began to offer kids yoga drop-in classes down the street from her home in 2017 with her two young boys in tow. Appleseed has been a culmination of all Megan’s gifting, training and experiences, and continues to form her into her highest self everyday. She is boldly in love with mothering her family and also the Appleseed community at the same time. Pleasure and work are one for Megan. Megan’s family and their experiences in nature and life are her inspiration for Appleseed. Megan holds a BBA, and over 500 hours of yoga teacher training for all ages.

Jessica Nagy

Admin Assistant & Teacher, Toronto

Jessica Nagy (she/her) is a mum and Toronto-based yoga instructor, with a special focus on guiding families in movement and connection. She works with all ages, from prenatal yoga to yoga with babies, kids yoga at schools and daycares, and family yoga!

Jessica draws on her background in musical theatre, dance, and competitive sports to inform a practice that is engaging, creative, and filled with regular reminders that we can do hard things.

Starting in January 2024, Jessica will become assistant to Megan and run the behind-the-scenes admin for Appleseed!

Parastoo amaNzadeh

Teacher, Toronto

Parastoo (she/her) is an Iranian actor, dancer and a yoga instructor based in Toronto. Her love for physical theatre and body movement got Parastoo into dancing when she was 17 years old. Her passion for dancing and physical theatre moved her towards yoga. She then decided to follow her dream of becoming a yoga instructor during the pandemic. Parastoo has always been so interested and passionate about working with children of all ages and she wants to bring yoga/movement into kids' life from an early age, so they can build a solid foundation and grow freely from there. Parastoo’s goal is to help children get familiar with their bodies and emotions, so that they are able to express themselves freely and with a better understanding of their needs, and know that their voice and opinion matters more than anything. Parastoo loves to incorporate her background in theatre and dancing in her classes which consist of dancing, movements, puppet shows, singing, games, relaxation, meditation and lots of fun!

faith jones

Teacher, Toronto

Faith (she/her) is a Toronto-based Yoga Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Thai Massage Practitioner with over 15 years experience in wellness spaces. She has worked with athletes as young as 3 years old, clients in their 90's, weekend warriors, clients healing from injuries, and everything in between. Her love for movement started at a very young age; at 18 months her mom took her to a parent & tot gymnastics class because she was literally climbing up the walls, and the rest is history! A decade of being a competitive gymnast and making it on the Canadian National Gymnastics Team sparked her joy for movement. She has worked with children and youth since she was 13 years old when she started coaching gymnastics to a variety of ages from toddlers to teens. In her early 20's she received her personal training certificate and continued to coach gymnastics and started teaching acrobatics to children,. Faith also started a Teen Girls Fitness Program specifically to encourage self-esteem and empowerment in a movement-based space. After receiving her Yoga Certification in 2013 she started to teach yoga to children, youth, and families in a variety of spaces, including schools, studios, and with other youth organizations. She has comprehensive knowledge of trauma-informed and anti-oppressive frameworks as all of her services are rooted in accessibility and inclusion. Faith is thrilled to be a part of the Appleseed Team!

Faith’s Fun Facts: Most of my childhood birthdays were spent at the circus (my uncle was the manager of a travelling circus!), I’ve climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and my favourite place to be is at the Ocean.

Ali Santin

Teacher, Toronto

Ali (she/her) has been a part of the Appleseed community for a long time. As a Mom, Ali loved taking her daughter to Appleseed’s toddler classes and always left feeling extremely inspired and connected with her child.

Ali began her own yoga practice many years ago helping her journey through PTSD and afterwards persued her 200 hour yoga teaching training. After taking Appleseeds kids yoga training in the fall Ali is extremely honoured to now be teaching with the team.

Ali’s classes are vibrant and full of movement. She strives to create a space where children can be true to themselves. Wanting them to know that the brightness of their rainbow will always outshine their grey, but that it’s okay to feel and share their grey too.

Ali is a nurturer by nature. When Ali is not with kids either in class or with her own, Ali is a birth and postpartum doula based in Toronto’s east end.

Sarah hill

Teacher, York Region

Sarah (she/her) is an Indigenous (First Nations) person born and raised on a reserve in Southern Ontario. She moved from her community to pursue her education, having graduated in 2017 with an Honours BA in Child and Youth Studies. It was during her undergraduate studies that she sought out yoga, for the first time, as a way to manage stress. Since then it has been a constant in her life. She felt firsthand how yoga can transform one's mental and physical well-being and decided to become a certified yoga teacher in 2020 to inspire others to embrace this practice. Through her work in childcare settings, she’s realized it’s never too early to introduce the power of mindfulness and movement to young minds! Some fun facts about her: She’s a Gemini-Cancer cusp who loves vintage fashion, fantasy novels, travel, animated movies and relaxing on the beach. We can’t wait for the Appleseed Community to experience Sarah’s heart-felt classes!

Andy is smiling, standing against a brick wall in a pink sweater


Teacher, Toronto

Andy is thrilled to join the Appleseed Yoga team! With over 12 years of experience as an elementary school teacher, she has always loved helping children tap into their creativity, curiosity, and authenticity, all while learning from the children to connect with her own inner child.

Inspired by her own yoga journey, Andy is dedicated to helping children discover their unique voice, move with joy, and connect with themselves and others. She believes in creating a space where children can feel safe, respected, and confident, all while cultivating a sense of peace that stays with them long after class.

Lindsey Mcfarlane costard

Teacher, York Region and Simcoe County

Lindsey McFarlane Costard (she/her) is a Registered Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher, a Certified Kids Yoga Teacher, as well as a Registered Chair Yoga Teacher with over 400 hours of training. 

After practicing yoga for over 15 years, she was inspired to pursue a career in Yoga, and then Kids Yoga, after her own children helped her to see the ways in which she lacked resources for her own self-regulation stemming from childhood. She feels strongly that children should be taught these skills from a young age so they can experience their emotions in healthy ways, and develop strong connections to themselves, others, and nature. She encourages these connections in her classes through music, singing, story, and movement. 

She has a special interest in the ways the brain and body respond to complex traumas experienced in childhood and is currently pursuing a specialization in Brain Longevity.  Lindsey has 3 beautiful children who challenge her daily, and reinforce the positive effects of the work she believes in. 

Ganga Tamilmoni

Teacher, Chennai, India (Virtual)

Ganga Tamilmoni (she/her): Yoga is the elixir of my life, which has become inevitable, it’s like the air I breathe and gives me a holy presence of mind. This has become my daily bread – my strength and energy comes from yoga. I have practiced Ashtanga in India and continued learning vinyasa in the USA, I did my 200 hour YTT at The Omlounge Yoga Studio and learned Ashtanga from Ashtanga Toronto by David and Jelena. I have further continued my practise with Paramaguruji Sharath Jois.

Through yoga, I can find my inner peace, forget future which is a mystery, forget past which is history – simply breath in and breath out, and thank every minute of life given to me. I see my training as not only for one individual (myself) but I take this to everyone I come across in my life to help the next generation choose a healthy path.

Daphné Bourbonnais

Conteuse d’histoire imaginative, Classe en langue française
Teacher, English and French-Speaking Classes, Toronto

Violoniste de formation, la pression et la compétition du milieu musical classique ont vite pris une grande ampleur dans le quotidien de Daphné (she/her). Ayant tout le soutien de son enseignante de violon, elle a vite été menée par cette dernière vers le yoga comme source de reconnection au « grand Tout ». Elle complète sa formation d'enseignante de yoga de 250 heures à Montréal en 2020 et commence immédiatement à enseigner.

Originaire du Québec, Daphné est venue conclure ses études en musique à l'École Glenn Gould à Toronto. Elle s'est intéressée à l'enseignement du yoga aux enfants lorsqu'elle a réalisé que le mouvement associé à la musique pouvait aider ses élèves au-delà de leurs leçons de musique. Maintenant, chaque fois que Daphné entre dans la salle pour enseigner,elle se demande : "comment puis-je le mieux servir ces enfants ?"
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Daphné (she/her) is a classical violinist with a lifelong passion for the instrument of 20 years.  Down the line, the intensity and pressure of competing in violin took over her day-to-day life and yoga became the remedy.  Daphné found yoga as a place to meet herself and went on to complete her 250-hour yoga teacher training in Montrél in 2020 and immediately began teaching.

Originally from Québec, Daphné studied music at the Glenn Gould School in Toronto. Following the ebb & flow of a musical career, she also spends her days teaching yoga.  Daphné became interested in teaching kids yoga when she realized that movement combined with music could help her students beyond their music lessons.  Now every time Daphné steps into the room to teach yoga to children, she asks herself: “ how can I serve these kids as best as I can?”