A few months back I posted about some of the many benefits of Family Yoga. The list continues, so read on to learn more about how Family Yoga is good for you and your brood!
6. Family Yoga shows children that parents are not perfect. Up to a certain age, children believe their parents are super-human! They seem to never run out of time, money or resources, and this can create high expectations for parents to fulfill. There are always poses a parent finds difficult and those a child find's difficult. This reality check brings a humanizing quality to the parents, releasing them of expectations from the child.
7. Family Yoga teaches families how to relax together. Most parents want their children to learn ways to relax and be more at peace! What a better way to learn these skills then doing it as a family! Yoga is wonderful for discharging energy and also engaging the rest and digest response, releasing those loving, calming hormones.
8. Family Yoga provides an opportunity for positive feedback among family members. Since every person and every body can do yoga, there are always opportunities for encouragement in family yoga class! We always encourage positive feedback for each family member in class, no matter what shape a body holds. Yoga is about holding space for a wide breadth of experiences, from the tiniest yogi to the most experienced.
9. Family Yoga inspires creativity as a family. When we play yoga, we exchange roles and role-play a lot, and this contributes to increased creativity among family members. We like to mix it up and take a dune buggy ride across the Sahara right after baking a pizza in Tuscany! Often, this creativity translates over into moments outside of class!
10. Family Yoga creates a sense of connection. Each family yoga class doesn't just consist of poses alone. Yoga is about creating wholistic community, so wether we like it or not we are sharing ourselves emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, and more when we share a family yoga class. We share this within our own family and with the families in class with us! This happens verbally through our class introductions, and physically as we touch others in group poses, and in our ending relaxation. In class we learn from others and garner a sense of connection to life, truly knowing that we are all connected and going through life together. This is in large part the essence of family yoga.
I look forward to sharing all these benefits of family yoga and more as we participate in class together! If you can think of any other benefits of Family Yoga, please share, I'd love to hear them!
For the Love of our Families,